What is CBD?

  • CBD (Cannabidiol) is unlike THC, the cannabinoid most frequently sold in marijuana dispensaries.
  • CBD does not produce a high (it is non psychotropic). In fact, It has been shown to counter act THC induced highs.
  • CBD’s principal source is different than THC’s.
  • CBD’s principal source is industrial hemp, a cannabis crop grown outside primarily for health, sustainability and industrial purposes (uses include protein, rope, clothing, biodegradable plastics and many other every day uses).
  • THC’s primary source is marijuana, a cannabis plant with many medicinal properties but a plant that is frequently bred and cultivated to produce highs (psychotropic effects) for recreational purposes.

How does CBD relate to the human body?

  • Cannabinoids found in plants are called phytocannabinoids.
  • Cannabinoids occurring naturally in the human body are called endocannabinoids.
  • The cannabis plant contains over 100 different cannabinoids each with unique properties.
  • They are part of an important system in the human body, the endocannabinoid system.
  • This system helps regulate many functions within the human body, including mood, sleep, inflammation and pain, and supports the body in its efforts to achieve homeostasis (equilibrium).
  • Properly formulated CBD interacts with the endocannabinoid system’s receptor cells.

What does consumer experience and research to date tell us?

  • A growing body of research indicates that CBD may have broad potential benefits to humans and pets for both chronic health issues and certain diseases.
  • Clinical studies can be found on Pubmed.com, a website maintained by the National Institute of Health.
  • Millions of consumers have tried and report many benefits from CBD.
  • Consumers report and current research indicates CBD’s potential to address multiple chronic health issues, including stress, anxiety, sleep deprivation , joint and muscle pain relief, inflammation, headaches (including migraines), and PTSD related stress, as well as epileptic seizures, glaucoma, nausea associated with cancer related chemotherapy and radiation, addiction recovery and breast and brain tumor reduction, among others.

Is CBD regulated?

  • With growing recognition, research and consumer experience, indicating its many potential benefits, demand for CBD is exploding.
  • Due to CBD’s strong safety profile, mounting evidence of its potential to support health and its non-psychotropic properties, federal and state governments have been eliminating restrictions on CBD’s production and consumption.
  • The federal government removed industrial hemp and CBD, from its list of controlled substances, and now encourages CBD cultivation and production under federally licensed State Department of Agriculture or University research programs.
  • CBD grown under these programs ensures educated consumers access to a supply of domestically grown CBD which meets quality and safety standards.
  • CBD sales, distribution and consumption are allowed nationwide.
  • Certain states have banned vaporizer products although tobacco and black-market THC vape products are the only vaping products associated with meaningful negative health consequences.

What should I be aware of when I purchase CBD?

  • Because distribution of CBD is largely unregulated in the U.S., the quality of CBD sold to U.S consumers varies considerably.
  • Much of the CBD sold in the U.S. comes from China, India and elsewhere, where cultivation and processing standards are lax.
  • Many domestic CBD sources cultivate and process extract without being a part of a federally licensed, state Department of Agriculture or University research program.
  • Market tests by third party firms indicate that much, and frequently, most, of the CBD sold domestically, whether processed in the USA or internationally, does not meet high quality standards and does not meet the ingredient information on its packaging/labels.


How do I choose what product to use?

We recommend three simple rules

1. Start by using tinctures as the foundation of your CBD regimen (your “base” products) and use them daily; optimally, once when you wake up and once before going to bed.

2. Augment your tincture as needed throughout the day with a capsule, topical, edible, shot or other product depending on your personal preference, what you are trying to achieve, and the dose you want.

3. If you are new to CBD or our brand, start with the lowest strength version of the product you buy and then adjust your dosage up as needed. For more on dosing, see below.


Tinctures are generally taken sublingually (with a dropper under the tongue) but can also be added to food. Taken sublingually, your body will distribute a tincture systemically, generally within 20 minutes.

Our tinctures come in a variety of flavors (lemongrass, mint and plain) and strengths (450mg, 900mg and 1500 mg) in some cases. We have specialty tinctures with multiple active ingredients to target specific uses. Most of our tinctures are for general use. They can be taken in the morning, at night or any other time. They are used by consumers seeking a feeling of daily overall well being (homeostasis) and for other chronic issues.


Topicals come in 2 categories, health and beauty. Health topicals are best suited to address localized areas either on a stand-alone basis, or better yet, in combination with a tincture as your base product. Beauty topicals are used primarily for healthy skin and hair.

Health topicals should be applied to your skin by hand in areas where you feel the worst. Topicals applied locally in that area can augment the systemic benefits of tinctures.

For low to moderate issues, we recommend our 120 mg lemon ginger hemp balm with its gentle formula to soothe the area of concern.

For more severe issues, try our stronger Rocky Ridge Hemp brand 2000mg Hemp Salve or the Rocky Ridge Hemp brand 3000mg Transdermal Hemp Gel. It’s powerful mint and menthol essential oils create a slight numbing sensation and transport it across the transdermal barrier to penetrate your tissue more deeply while delivering a concentrated formula of full spectrum CBD to your area of need.

Our beauty topicals include lip balms, face, hand and body creams to soothe and protect your skin. Apply where needed.

Shots Capsules, and Chews

Shots, capsules and chews provide predetermined dosing at either light or moderate levels of CBD. Because they are compact and easy to use, they are great products to carry with you throughout the day and use when you feel the need. Because these products work through digestion, their impact is more gradual. Dosing should be spaced 30 minutes or more apart.

Chews and liquid shots provide tasty micro doses of 5-26 milligrams each. For more significant mid-day dosing, capsules come in two strengths, 30 and 60 milligrams per capsule.


How do I manage dosing?

If you are new to CBD or our brand, start with the lowest strength version of the product you choose and use it for a minimum of 10 days (lower strength products are less expensive and may address your needs).

During your initial 10 days, If you feel you might benefit from a higher dose of CBD, double your daily dosage after a few days and consider purchasing a stronger version of the same product the next time you purchase.

The TLC difference when it relates to relief per milligram


How do I manage dosing?

If you are new to CBD or our brand, start with the lowest strength version of the product you choose and use it for a minimum of 10 days (lower strength products are less expensive and may address your needs).

During your initial 10 days, If you feel you might benefit from a higher dose of CBD, double your daily dosage after a few days and consider purchasing a stronger version of the same product the next time you purchase.

The TLC difference when it relates to relief per milligram


What is CBD?

Cannabidiol (CBD) is one of over 100 cannabinoids present in the cannabis plant. It is the second major cannabinoid found in cannabis plants. Unlike the other major cannabinoid THC, CBD does not get you high. It is non-psychoactive. Preliminary research and consumer experience indicate that CBD has substantial potential benefits.

Is CBD similar to THC?

No, CBD is very different from THC. THC gets you high. CBD does not get you high. CBD is derived primarily from the hemp plant, a crop cultivated for health, nutrition and industrial purposes. THC comes from the marijuana plant, a plant with many medicinal properties that is often grown for recreational purposes (to produce highs). To be legal, CBD products must contain less than 0.3% THC. This ensures federally compliant CBD does not get you high.

Will CBD get me high?

CBD is not psychoactive. It will not get you high. In fact, CBD is an active ingredient in some products sold with the potential to counteract THC induced highs. CBD can influence your mental state. Many users of CBD report feeling a very subtle feeling of relaxation, alertness, or mental clarity.

What are the potential benefits of CBD?

Though non psychoactive (does not cause a high), millions of consumers have bought CBD for its potential to promote alertness in low to moderate doses and sedation in high doses, to reduce pain, muscle spasms, inflammation, nausea and vomiting, and anxiety and depression. Early studies indicate it may have the potential to counter psychotic thoughts and indicate that it may provide antioxidant, anticonvulsant, neuroprotectant, and anti-tumor properties.
Source: Cannabis Revealed

Are there side effects from taking CBD?

CBD exhibits no effects on human’s indicative of any abuse or dependence. To date, there is no evidence of recreational use of CBD or any public health-related problems associated with the use of pure CBD. Typically, CBD is not associated with side effects but occasionally, mild side effects , including the following, have been reported:
Dry mouth
Rarely: Mild feelings of intoxication

What are Phytocannabinoids and how do they work?

Phytocannabinoids are chemical compounds secreted by cannabis flowers. They work by imitating compounds our bodies naturally produce, called endocannabinoids. Endocannabinoids effect nerve, brain and immune cell activity.
Cannabinoids generally work by binding to our body’s cannabinoid receptors (CB1 and CB2). Cannabinoids like CBD can work in other ways by targeting non cannabinoid receptors in the body.
Currently, there are two known primary cannabinoid receptors: CB1 and CB2. CB1 receptors are located in the central nervous system, and in some peripheral tissues. They affect appetite, muscle control, pain, cognition, thermoregulation, and our stress response. CB2 receptors are found primarily in immune cells, and at a lower density in the central nervous system. CB2 activation is associated with immune function and immune cell proliferation, inflammation, and pain.

What are terpenes?

Terpenes are essential oils found in plants. There are approximately 200 terpenes present in cannabis plants. They are what give cannabis its distinct aroma -. Terpenes have beneficial effects and work synergistically with cannabinoids like CBD and THC – this relationship is called the entourage effect.

What are Flavonoids?

Flavonoids are organic compounds that work synergistically with terpenes to provide aroma and flavor in cannabis and a variety of other organisms, including plants, fruits, and vegetables. Flavonoids are formed inside cannabis trichomes and may also work synergistically with terpenes and cannabinoids in producing therapeutic effects.

What is the entourage effect?

The entourage effect is the synergistic relationship of the naturally occurring compounds found in cannabis plants. The cannabinoids, terpenes, and flavonoids found in cannabis have been shown to work synergistically together when they are taken with one another as opposed to in isolation.

What is the endocannabinoid system?

The endocannabinoid system is the collection of cannabinoid receptors, endocannabinoids, and enzymes involved in the production and break down of endocannabinoids. Endocannabinoids are naturally occurring cannabinoids produced within our body. The two most studied endocannabinoids are anandamide and 2-AG (2-arachidonoylglycerol). The two most studied cannabinoid receptors are CB1 and CB2. CB1 receptors are located primarily in the central nervous system (brain and Spinal chord). Most CB2 receptors are located in the immune system.
The “endocannabinoid” system is an integral part of our neuro-immuno-endocrine network. The system helps regulate organs and tissue in the human body by sending and receiving chemical messages. It regulates many aspects of human health including mood, pain, inflammation, stress response and immune function.
Studies indicate a “phytocannabinoid” or plant-derived cannabinoid like CBD or THC may have the potential to activate the same receptors in the body as endocannabinoids. Scientists are still exploring all the different receptors that CBD may interact with. One research article estimated that the CBD may interact with 65 different receptors in the human body, leading scientists refer to CBD as a “promiscuous” compound.

What is CBD isolate?

CBD isolate sometimes called “pure CBD” is the CBD molecule separated from the rest of the compounds it normally occurs with. CBD isolate often appears as a crystalline white powder. CBD isolate can either be synthesized in a lab (synthetic CBD) or processed from a CBD containing plant like hemp or marijuana. Isolate contains no other cannabinoids, terpenes, flavonoids or essential oils and no THC. While isolate has no psychoactive effects and will not show up on any drug test, because it’s simply pure CBD, it is missing many of the potential benefits of a broader or full spectrum CBD oil.

What is distillate?

CBD Distillate is a highly refined cannabis extract often derived from CBD hemp flower and hemp biomass. CBD Distillate typically contains around 80% CBD with the balance including minor cannabinoids, terpenes, flavonoids and other plants oils and extracts.

What is broad spectrum CBD?

Broad spectrum CBD is a CBD distillate that has been extracted from the cannabis plant with all of the other compounds from the plant except for THC. That means it contains terpenes, essential oils, and other cannabinoids from the plant. This should not result in psychoactive effects. Because there is no THC in broad spectrum CBD, it is unlikely to show up on a drug test.

What is full spectrum CBD?

Full spectrum CBD is a CBD distillate extracted from the cannabis plant with all of the other compounds in the plant, including terpenes, flavonoids, essential oils, and other cannabinoids. Because full spectrum CBD contains all of the plant’s compounds, it contains THC (tetrahydrocannabinol). If carefully made and compliant with US regulations it contains less than 0.3% THC. Full spectrum CBD will not get you high and should not test positive on urine based employment or medical tests.

How to choose CBD products?

Make sure the product you buy has been third party lab tested for the 3 P’s: Potency (the amount of CBD per volume), Purity (any residual solvents from extraction process) and Pesticides. A Certificate of Analysis (“COA”) from a third party lab should be available on the manufacturer’s website. A COA will also provide a cannabinoid profile, allowing you to determine whether the extract used is an isolate, broad spectrum, full spectrum or whole plant extract. Since most brands tested have not been found to be label compliant, seek high quality brands and learn what you can about their production processes.

Are CBD products legal?

Federal law permits the cultivation, processing and sale of CBD within the United States so long as the cultivators and processors are part of Federally sanctioned research programs with oversight from either a State Department of Agriculture or a qualifying University. These programs ensure that CBD products under their jurisdiction contain less than 0.3% THC and are free of contaminants, including pesticides. The FDA does not permit sales of CBD with unsubstantiated claims about its potential benefits. Below the Federal level, regulation varies from state to state and from town to town.

Will CBD influence results of a drug test?

No. Drug tests do not test for CBD. They look for THC, the psychoactive cannabinoid found in marijuana.

Full spectrum and whole plant extract CBD hemp oils contain THC. When properly and legally formulated, these CBD oils contain 0.3% or less THC. This amount of THC can cause a failure of a hair-based test, but is unlikely to cause failure of the most common employment or medical related tests, urine-based tests. This is generally true even if the person is using federally sanctioned oils in large quantities.

Will CBD interact with other medications?

Yes. CBD is metabolized by a group of enzymes called the CYP450. These enzymes are responsible for metabolizing many commonly used drugs. CBD can inhibit the activity of the CYP450 enzymes. While CBD-drug interactions are more likely with high doses of CBD and CBD isolates, precaution must be taken when using CBD alongside life preserving medications for serious conditions (i.e. epilepsy medications).

Will CBD effect appetite?

CBD has negligible effects on appetite.

What is the right dosage?

An effective dosage can range from as little as 5mg of CBD per day up to 300mg per day. Make sure to start low and go slow. Take a few small doses over the course of the day rather than one big dose. Use the same dose for several days. Observe the effects and if necessary, adjust the amount up or down. Don’t overdo it.

Can I give my pet CBD (my dog, cat, etc.)?

Yes. Pets may benefit from CBD in many of the same ways as humans: pain, seizures, inflammation, and anxiety. CBD is safe to use for pets, but their dosage will likely be much smaller than yours. Dogs have a higher concentration of cannabinoid receptors in their brain. This means they are very sensitive to THC. But a small amount of THC, like the amount in a full spectrum CBD hemp oil, is beneficial for animals. We recommend you speak with a holistic veterinarian before you start giving your pet CBD.

What is CBD Oil?

CBD oil is the term used to describe a sublingual tincture of CBD. A CBD oil or tincture is made by mixing a CBD extract from a cannabis plant with a base like MCT or hemp seed oil. CBD oil is meant to be held under the tongue and absorbed directly into the bloodstream. A sublingual absorption provides a faster effect than absorption via the stomach (i.e. taking a CBD capsule or edible product).

What is a CBD tincture?

A CBD tincture is another term for a CBD oil. In the cannabis industry the word “tincture” and “oil” are used interchangeably. A CBD tincture or CBD oil is a liquid concentrate which contains CBD.
Source: Cannabis Revealed

How do you take a CBD tincture?

CBD tinctures are taken by placing the dose under the tongue where it can be absorbed sublingually – through the mucous membrane in the mouth. Tinctures can also be added to food.

How long do you keep CBD tincture under your tongue?

Try to keep the CBD tincture under your tongue for 15-30 seconds.

What is the difference between CBD Hemp Oil and CBD Cannabis Oil?

CBD hemp oil is made from hemp while CBD Cannabis Oil is made from marijuana plants. CBD Hemp Oil contains little to no THC. CBD Cannabis Oil from marijuana generally contains significantly more THC, often an equal amount of THC and CBD or even a majority of THC.

Can you overdose on CBD?

CBD has been shown to be safe to use even in high doses. CBD will not cause fatal overdoses. It is possible to take too much CBD. The usual consequence of taking too much CBD is mild lethargy or drowsiness. As is true of most ingestible foods, vitamins, minerals, supplements and liquids, ingesting very large quantities of CBD should be avoided.

How long does it take for CBD to take effect?

The length of time it takes for CBD to take effect will depend on the route of administration. The fastest effect will be felt from smoking or vaporization (onset of effects in minutes). Topical administration of CBD will be felt quickly as well. A tincture taken sublingually (under the tongue) will take effect in 15 minutes to one hour. The slowest effect (but the longest lasting) will be felt from oral ingestion (onset felt in approximately 90 minutes). Wait longer between doses with routes of administration that take longer too avoid taking take too much.
Source: Cannabis Revealed

Do you need a prescription for CBD?

No. CBD is not an FDA approved pharmaceutical or dietary supplement. You may purchase CBD without a prescription.

Can anyone buy CBD oil?

Yes. Any adult living in a town, state or country where it is legal to use CBD can buy CBD oil from a store. CBD may also be purchased on-line throughout the United States. Pharmaceutical CBD oil may be purchased over the counter without a prescription.

Is CBD oil addictive?

CBD is not known to be an addictive drug. In fact, CBD has potential as a useful tool to help people break addictions to harmful substances.

Where does CBD come from?

CBD is produced by cannabis plants; both hemp and marijuana. Hemp is the preferred source of CBD whereas marijuana is used as the primary source of THC. CBD is mostly produced and contained in the resinous trichomes of cannabis flowers. Smaller concentrations of CBD can be found in the stalk and leaves of cannabis plants.

Is CBD water soluble?

Not naturally, but CBD and other cannabinoids can be formulated with other ingredients to be water soluble.
Source: http://blog.sonomechanics.com/blog/water-soluble-cbd

What is the best way to take CBD?

There are many different ways to use CBD. The four main ways are sublingual (tinctures/sprays), topical lotions (balms, Creams and gels), oral (edibles or capsules), and inhalation (vaporization or smoking). Sublingual tinctures and sprays are some of the best ways to take CBD because you can control the dosing and benefit from a reasonably quick onset of effects.


Terpene Complex

Terpenes are non psychoactive, pungent compounds that are found in every plant species. Some terpenes have beneficial effects on certain body systems and functions and are able to communicate directly with your CB2 receptors, just like CBD. Certain terpenes are naturally synergistic with canabinoids, including CBD, and allow the cannabinoids to pass through the blood brain barrier more easily. This can increase the effectiveness of the cannabinoids, ultimately leading to the “entourage effect”. The plant terpenes can also support the natural functions of your body, such as, mood and relaxation, sleep, and immune strength.

In addition to all of the plant terpenes that are naturally preserved and contained in our organically grown full spectrum hemp CBD extract, all of our CBD products are engineered with an additional specific blend of the following four plant terpenes, in varying amounts. They help support the benefits associated with each CBD infused product. We create our unique and true full spectrum CBD experience with the extensive benefits of these terpenes and their entourage effect enhancement.

Linalool is a plant terpene found in over 200 plant species, including lavender. It has been used for centuries to induce proper sleep function and to aide in relaxation.

Studies show that linalool may have a potential to be useful in slowing down an over reactive response to an injury or illness.  Studies have indicated that linalool may promote muscle relaxation due to its ability to reduce the signaling strength of acetylcholine, a brain chemical required for muscle movement and contraction. Linalool has also been shown to produce effects similar to an anesthetic by elevating adenosine levels in the brain and reducing the excitability of the cells in the spinal cord that send signals to the brain.

Beta caryophyllene (BCP) is found in multiple plant species, including cinnamon, basil, cloves, hemp, lavender, oregano, rosemary, and cannabis. B-caryophyllene is one of the most studied plant terpenes. In fact, it’s been part of over 500 scientific studies gathering data on its ability to fight body aches, and aid in relaxation. Unlike most other terpenes, it’s able to activate and communicate with CB2 receptors throughout the body. This makes BCP very similar to the cannabinoid CBD. Many studies have shown that because BCP is a full CB2 agonist, it has the ability support the bodies natural healing process.

Myrcene is mono terpene found in many plants including, hops, lemongrass, mango, verbena, cardamom, basil, cannabis, and hemp. It is the most commonly found terpene in hemp. Scientists have been studying myrcene to discover more about its powerful qualities as well as its ability to improve sleep function, mood, and immune system function. The plants and herbs that contain myrcene have been used for hundreds of years by indigenous people to treat common problems, such as, sleep disorders, mood disorders, aches, and injuries.

Limonene is the second most commonly found terpene in nature, it is produced by citrus plants, pine, juniper, rosemary, celery, fennel, caraway, mint and also hemp and cannabis among other species of plants. Limonene is normally associated with a pleasant fruity citrus smell and is found in a wide variety of everyday products including cosmetics, beverages, and cleaning supplies due to its natural solvent properties. Studies have shown that the inhalation of the aroma increases dopamine and serotonin levels in regions of the brain that are associated with relaxation.
According to recent scientific studies, limonene can help normalize hormone levels. In 2013, limonene was found to increase the availability of serotonin. It also affects the adenosine receptors, which increases the release of dopamine in your system. This research has suggested it may be helpful in treating symptoms related to mood issues. As part of the entourage effect, limonene can interact with linalool, b-carophyllene, myrcene, as well as CBD and the many other cannabinoids and terpenes found in hemp.

CB2 receptor agonist b-carophyllene modulates reaction:

Myrcene and b-carophyllene:

Effects of limonene:

Relief and mood improvement of linalool and limonene:

Effects of limonene on brain neurotransmitter levels and behavior:

Lemongrass Tincture:

Lemongrass essential oil contains beneficial terpenes, flavonoids, saponins, and alkaloids including, myrcene, citral, citronellal, neral, geraniol, and limonene.

Lemongrass Tincture:

Lemon essential oil has detoxifying, antiseptic, disinfectant and anti-fungal properties, as well as a very calming scent and a great flavor.

Chews, soothing syrup:

Vitamin C is a very strong antioxidant that can help strengthen your body’s immune system.

Soothing Syrup:

Elderberry contains anthocyanins, which are antioxidants, anti-viral, and can help boost your immune system.


Beeswax used topically with our Hemp Gel or Balm, soothes, hydrates, and calms the skin, while repairing damage. It also can relieve itchiness and irritation from rashes or bug bites, and creates a long lasting, protective barrier against germs and pollutants.


Ginger, contained in the Lemon Ginger Hemp Balm, is packed with powerful effects and antioxidant compounds called gingerols. It can help reduce muscle soreness and the discomfort associated with over worked muscles. Ginger can also help stimulate circulation, tone our skin, and reduce scar damage.


D-limonene, contained in the Lemon Ginger Hemp Balm, is an antibacterial and antifungal essential oil. It has been shown through scientific studies to sooth aching or burning skin by reducing cytokine production in the body. It also has shown the ability to interact with 5HT1a receptors, a neurotransmitter linked to mood issues. Several animal studies have shown that D-limonene reduces sensitivity to injury, and widespread issues in bones and muscles in mice due to its effects.


Hemp Roots: Organically grown hemp roots, found in the Lemon Ginger Hemp Balm, have been used for thousands of years as a topically applied remedy for bone and muscle aches, and associated problems.


Menthol causes a cooling and heating sensation that can penetrate deep into the muscle tissue to help relieve aches and stiffness. Once absorbed into the skin and tissue, menthol blocks signals between cells and promotes a normal healing response. Scientific studies have shown that menthol works very quickly to help relieve even the worst muscle and joint aches.


Camphor Essential Oil: Used topically in the Menthol Hemp Gel, the cooling effects of Camphor Essential Oil reduce discomfort associated with injuries, sprains, and muscular aches. Camphor has been proven to help protect against contagious viruses due to its anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties, it has also show to reduce insect bites, itching, skin irritation, rashes, and acne


Wintergreen Essential Oil, in our Menthol Hemp Gel, has been found to increase circulation, and enhance metabolic function while lowering aches and discomfort associated with over exerted or sore muscles. It’s antispasmodic properties can help decrease spasms when massaged into muscles, and may soothe headaches when applied to temples.

Lip Balm, Tincture:

Peppermint has shown in studies that it may help you relax before bedtime, which can improve sleep function.

All Skin care and Beauty products:

Oleic acid and Linoleic Acid: Contained in all of our skin care and beauty products, Oleic acid and Linoleic acid, are powerful antioxidants and moisturizers. They contain compounds (including polyunsaturated fatty acids) that strengthen the integrity of cellular membranes and stimulate wound healing. They can deeply penetrate your skin to restore the natural oil, without clogging your pores or leading to acne.

Bubble bath:

Lavender Essential Oil, in our Bubble Bath, has been shown in studies to be useful in treating restlessness, mood problems, and other related symptoms. It can also help improve sleep function for some people when inhaled.

Bubble bath:

Cucumber Oil, found in our Bubble Bath, is rich in linoleic and oleic acid, Vitamin E, as well as other nutrients and antioxidant compounds. It can keep the skin’s protective layer healthy and strong, while improving elasticity and firmness.

Face and Body Cream:

(Sunflower Seed Oil) (Helianthus Annuus) Seed Oil
Sunflower Seed Oil: Found in our Body Cream and Face Cream, is a great source for beta-carotene which can help protect against sun damage and free radicals. It contains linoleic acid and oleic acid which assist with cell development and can help treat disorders such as eczema, acne and scarring. It is also rich in nutrients such as iron, calcium, zinc, magnesium and vitamins A, K and E. It can help reduce general irritations of the skin. Because it’s very high in vitamin E, it acts as an excellent emollient which traps moisture in your skin to stay hydrated longer.

Hair Conditioner:

(Apricot seed oil) (Prunus Armeniaca) in our 200mg CBD Hair Conditioner is packed with, antioxidants, minerals, proteins, nutrients and unsaturated fatty acids like oleic and linoleic acid. It is excellent for moisturizing and retaining soft smooth hair.

Hair Conditioner:
Babassu oil in our 200mg CBD Hair Conditioner regenerates hair and helps regulate healing processes in the scalp, thanks to its complex of vitamins, fatty acids and phytosterols.

Body and Face Cream, Hair Conditioner:

Aloe Barbadensis Leaf Juice, or Aloe Vera, contained in our 200mg CBD Body Cream, 100mg CBD Face Cream and 200mg CBD Hair Conditioner, it promotes healing and is antibacterial due to its high content of polyphenols, antioxidants, enzymes, vitamins C and A. It can help treat acne, dry skin and scalp, and damaged hair.

All Skin care and Beauty:

Vitamin E is infused in all of our beauty and skin care products, such as, 200mg CBD Body Cream, 100mg CBD Face Cream, 50mg CBD Lip Balm, 100mg CBD Shampoo, 200 mg CBD Hair Conditioner, 100mg CBD Body Wash, 100mg Bath Bar, 100mg CBD Bubble Bath,120mg Lemon Ginger Hemp Balm, and 300mg CBD Menthol Hemp Gel. Vitamin E is an essential nutrient with very strong healing and antioxidant properties. It helps support the immune system, cell function, skin health, and also combats the negative effects of free radicals that are produced by toxins in the environment.

Balm, and Hair Conditioner:

Shea Butter: Found in our 120mg Lemon Ginger Hemp Balm, 1000mg and 2000mg Rocky Ridge Hemp Salve and Balm, and 200mg Body Cream, is packed full of healing properties, due to its high content of fatty acids such as linoleic, oleic, palmitic and stearic acids, and antioxidant vitamins like vitamins A, E and F. These nutrients balance the oils in your skin while creating a protective barrier from the outside environment. Shea butter can condition, sooth, and tone your skin and is sensitive enough for use anywhere on your body.

Body Cream and Hair Conditioner:

Silk Amino Acids: are infused in our 200mg Body Cream and 200mg Hair Conditioner because of their unique and rich nutrient properties. They will hydrate and protect your hair and skin, keeping them silky smooth. The amino acids found in these specific protein molecules can reduce fine lines on the skin to help eliminate signs of aging, reduce wrinkles, tone and hydrate skin and hair tissues.

Tinctures, Balm:

Coconut Oil: is made from pressing the kernel of the coconut, it is very high in medium chain triglycerides (MCTs). MCTs are a type of fat that is very rapidly digested and absorbed by your body. We use all-natural coconut MCT oil for each of our tinctures, It ensures a quick uptake and digestion, while also benefiting your health.

Bath Bar, Hair Conditioner:

Oatmeal: found in our 100mg Bath Bar and 200mg Hair Conditioner, contains antibacterial and healing compounds called saponins, which are natural cleansers. They help exfoliate your skin and remove oil and dirt that is clogging your pores. They can also soak up excess oil on your skin which will help to treat acne problems.

Bath Bar:

Organic Coffee, found in our Unscented 100 MG Bath Bar, is a natural exfoliator. It is packed with antioxidants like phenols, that help fight free radicals which can lead to skin damage. Coffee when applied topically, can tone and tighten the skin, which helps to prevent and eliminate wrinkles.

CBD Energy Shot:

Vitamin B Complex found in the 10mg CBD Energy+ shots, helps to support overall cell health, growth of red blood cells, healthy brain function, proper energy levels, good eyesight, good digestion, and proper nerve and hormone function.

Wakeup+, Energy+

Guarana, infused in our 450mg CBD Wakeup + Tincture and 10mg CBD Energy+ Shot it contains a range of stimulants, such as caffeine, theophylline and theobromine. It also contains antioxidants, such as tannins, saponins, and catechins, these nutrients can help you maintain mental energy and focus, while improving mood and memory.

Wakeup+, Energy+

Taurine found in our 450mg CBD Wakeup+ Tincture and 10mg CBD Energy+ Shot is an amino acid that plays an essential role in protecting our bodies cells from damage. It helps balance the electrolytes in our bodies and regulates the calcium levels in certain cells.

Wakeup+, Energy+

Theobromine is found in the cocoa plant and has been consumed by people from many countries and cultures for centuries. We infuse it in our 450mg CBD Wakeup + Tincture and 10mg CBD Energy+ Shot. Theobromine has a wide range of stimulating effects on our mind and body, including, boosting arterial blood flow, improving focus and concentration, lifting your mood and increasing mental calmness. Research has shown it may also have aphrodisiac effects and cognitive enhancement properties.


Chaga, Reishi, Shiitake, Maitake, Turkey Tail, Lions Maine, Wood Ear, Mesima, Oyster, and Cordycep mushrooms, infused into the 450mg CBD Wakeup+ Tincture are all Mega mushrooms that have a very long history of use in China, dating as early as 221 BC, when they were reserved only for royalty to improve health and extend life. We use only organic and American grown mushrooms to make sure we have the cleanest and healthiest mega mushrooms available. They are a great source of Beta glucans, nutrients, minerals, B vitamins, Vitamin D, amino acids, and antioxidants, which can help support immune system function, turn nutrients into usable energy, improves cognitive performance, and helps to maintain brain focus all day long. Scientific studies have shown that Lions Maine contains hericenones and erinacines, which are compounds that can stimulate the growth of brain cells.

Relax+, Bedtime+

Melatonin, contained in our 10mg Relax + Shot and Bedtime + Tincture, is an all-natural hormone that is produced by the pineal gland. It works in conjunction with our body’s circadian rhythm to calm the body and help prepare your mind for a relaxing sleep. Scientific evidence shows that melatonin can also help you fall asleep faster when ingested before bed.


California poppy plant is infused into the 450mg Bedtime + Tincture. It contains a wide range in nutrients that are known soporifics and are responsible for promoting healthy sleep function, such as, isoquinoline alkaloids (californidine, crytpopine, escholzine, sanguinarine, protopine, and chelidonine), flavone glycosides (quercetin, rutin, and isorhamnetin), carotenoids and essential oils. It’s been used for centuries as a sedative, to help boost mood and promote relaxation, while reducing agitation and feelings of exhaustion.  This herb can help you sleep better by balancing the nervous system in times of stress or restlessness.


2-arachidonoylglycerol (2-AG)
An endocannabinoid that is present at relatively high levels in the central nervous system.

Alcohol extraction
A process using alcohol to extract cannabinoids, terpenes, flavonoids and other beneficial compounds from cannabis plants as consumable oils. In this process, cannabis is first soaked in an alcohol to separate the plant material. Alcohol is then removed from the oil through evaporation.

Anandamide (AEA)
Anandamide, also called (AEA), is a fatty acid that interacts with the body’s CB receptors similarly to cannabinoids like CBD. It’s a neurotransmitter and cannabinoid receptor binding agent that functions as a signal messenger for CB receptors located in the body.

Cannabichromene (CBC)
One of over 120 cannabinoids found in the cannabis plant. CBC is a nonpsychoactive cannabinoid, meaning it does not cause feelings of being high.

Cannabidiol (CBD)
The second most prevalent cannabinoid in cannabis, after tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). Research suggests that it may be helpful for mood, relaxing sleep, aches, and other health concerns.

Any of the various naturally occurring, biologically active chemical constituents of hemp or cannabis, including some that possess psychoactive properties, such as tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and others that do not possess psychoactive properties, such as CBD. The cannabis plant contains more than 100 different cannabinoids.

Cannabinoid 1 (CB1) receptor
CB1 receptors are found on the surface of certain cells, tissues, and organs. They help regulate biological function. CB1 receptors are present in several regions of the brain and spinal cord and, in lesser quantities, in other parts of the body, including the endocrine glands and the gastrointestinal and urinary tracts. CB1 receptors mediate the effects of cannabinoids on these organs.

Cannabinoid 2 (CB2) receptor
CB2 receptors regulate the biological function of certain cells, tissues, and organs. CB2 receptors are present on white blood cells and in the tonsils, the spleen, immune cells, and neurons. CB2 receptors help mediate the effect of cannabinoids on these organs and cells.

Cannabinoid profile
The relative array and concentration of active cannabinoids in a product or medication.

A crystalline, mildly psychoactive cannabinoid found in small quantities in cannabis. Cannabinol is a derivative product of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) that may have a sedating effect.

Cannabis refers to industrial hemp (the primary source of CBD, generally consumed for its health benefits)) and a group of three varieties of marijuana plants with psychoactive properties (the primary sources of THC, a cannabinoid used recreationally for its psychoactive effects and medicinally for care giving):  Cannabis sativa, Cannabis indica, and Cannabis ruderalis. Cannabis plants contain more than 120 chemical and biologically active components, known as cannabinoids.

Cannabis indica
A strain of cannabis known for higher concentrations of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). Also called indica, it is known for its sedative effects. Because indica contains higher concentrations of THC, it is popular as a recreational and medicinal drug.

Cannabis sativa
A strain of cannabis known for promoting a cerebral high. Also known as sativa, it may have uplifting and analgesic effects.

Cesamet (nabilone)
A synthetic cannabinoid prescribed for severe nausea and vomiting caused by treatments like chemotherapy.

Clinical endocannabinoid deficiency (CECD)
The theory that insufficient levels of endocannabinoids can lead to ailments, such as migraine, fibromyalgia, and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS).

Closed-loop extraction
An extraction method in which solvents aren’t exposed to the open air. Used in the past to produce perfume and beauty products, the process has been used more recently to create cannabis concentrates.

Concentrates (or extracts)
Cannabis concentrates, or extracts, are significantly more potent than a standard cannabis bud or flower. They are processed to keep only the most desirable medicinal compounds while removing excess plant material. Concentrates are often developed for medical applications.

An individual who grows marijuana plants, usually with a focus on soil quality and plant health.

A process used to preserve the cannabis plant and retain its flavors and therapeutic properties. Curing involves removing moisture from the flowers under controlled environmental conditions.

The process of oxidation or alternatively, applying heat to remove a carboxyl group (acids) and release CO2 from the cannabinoid molecule. THis activates the CBD and tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) in cannabis.

The quantity of medicine prescribed at one time. Dosing CBD depends on therapeutic goals, as well as how it is ingested or applied.

Signaling molecules made from arachidonic acid or other polyunsaturated fatty acids that are similar to arachidonic acid. Endocannabinoids are all eicosanoids.

Endocannabinoids (endogenous lipid-based retrograde neurotransmitters)
Natural chemicals produced by your body that interact with your endocannabinoid system and regulate important body functions. Their purpose is to maintain the body’s homeostasis. To date, two main endocannabinoids have been identified: anandamide (AEA) and 2-arachidonoylglycerol (2-AG).

Endocannabinoid enzymes
Proteins that your body makes to break down endocannabinoids that have fulfilled their purpose. The two main endocannabinoid enzymes are: fatty acid amidohydrolase (FAAH) and monoacylglycerol lipase (MAGL).

Endocannabinoid receptors
Special receptors that endocannabinoids bind to as a way of signaling that the endocannabinoid system needs to act. They’re found throughout your body and can interact with the chemical compounds in cannabis. There are two types of receptors: CB1 receptors and CB2 receptors.

Endocannabinoid reuptake inhibitor
A drug that limits the reabsorption of endocannabinoid neurotransmitters by releasing a neuron.

Endocannabinoid system (ECS)
A complex system within the human body that affects many important functions, including how a person moves, feels, and reacts. It includes endocannabinoids, endocannabinoid receptors, and endocannabinoid enzymes.

Extraction techniques are used to separate the chemical components of cannabis from the plant matrix.

Flavonoid – Organic compounds that work synergistically with terpenes to provide aroma and flavor in cannabis and a variety of other organisms, including plants, fruits, and vegetables. Flavonoids are formed inside cannabis trichomes and may also work synergistically with terpenes and cannabinoids in producing therapeutic effects.

Flower – The portion of a female cannabis plant rich in valuable oils.

Hemp – An industrial plant cultivated for its fiber and edible seeds. While hemp is part of the cannabis family, it is not grown to have psychoactive effects. Commercial items made from hemp fiber include paper, textiles, clothing, biodegradable plastic, proteins, health products and food.

Homeostasis – A term that describes the dynamic stability of your internal environment.

Homogeneity – This refers to testing to ensure the genetic consistency across strains of cannabis, or to the even distribution of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) or CBD in a product, such as an edible.

Pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamics – The way pharmaceuticals are absorbed, distributed, metabolized, and excreted in and from the body.

Phytocannabinoids – Cannabinoids that occur naturally in a cannabis plant.

Route of administration – The path by which a drug or substance is taken into the body. Examples include a medication that is taken in pill form (oral administration) or applied to the skin (topical application).

Terpene – The aromatic and flavorful component of the essential oils contained in plants. More than 100 terpenes have been identified in the cannabis plant.

Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) – The main psychoactive constituent of cannabis. It is responsible for the high sensation.

Tetrahydrocannabinolic acid (THCA) – A cannabinoid that does not have psychoactive effects. It is acid precursor to THC. As the plant dries, THCA slowly converts to THC. The potential medicinal properties of THCA are still under study.

Tincture – A liquid that contains a concentrated herbal extract.

Topical – An oil, salve, lotion, or ointment infused with CBD that can be applied directly to the skin.